Every day, early in the morning, the fishermen of Lavandou, the “pescadous”, return to the port, their Pointus loaded with fish.

Meeting the Pescadous in Le Lavandou

Do you want to eat local and fresh? To have the chance to eat a good fish grilled fished Lavandou ? Meet local fishermen every morning at Lavandou.

The fisherman Lavandou
Fisherman on the port of Le Lavandou

Unique moment of sharing

Share this unique moment one morning on the fishermen's wharf. Don't miss this show. The appointment is given to you early when the sun has barely risen. Admire the arrival of these beautiful traditional fishing boats. THE " sharp » as they are called in Provence. It is then that they offer you a moment made of joyful, colorful and captivating images.

You will be captivated by the atmosphere!

In fact, there reigns over the fishermen's wharf a unique atmosphere. This moment of sharing, you should not for any reason miss it during your holidays in Lavandou. Then admire these sharp which pitch, the traps, the nets and the still wriggling fish.
The good nature of South of France is there, without artifice or manners. Everything is then colors, sounds, smells and mischief.

Fish net

Traditional net fishing allows you to catch all kinds of fish to prepare a tasty bouillabaisse!

Fresh and local products

The product of the fishing is on the stalls of the Halle. It is located right next to the fishermen's wharf face Lavandou Castle. You find a very wide variety of small fish of rocks from which we make the best bouillabaisse. But also beautiful pieces like scorpionfish, conger eels, Saint-Pierre, wolf. Of recipes. and methods of preparation traditional and typically Provençal are kindly recommended to you.

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